Tuesday 31 May 2011

Profiteroles & Pizza

Anyone who knows me well is sure of two things:
  1. I love an excuse to bake; and
  2. Pizza is one of my weaknesses.
Lucky for me I got both this weekend and it made for a perfect Saturday. 

P Part 1 - Profiteroles
My niece was turning two and who doesn't want profiteroles at their 2nd birthday party? Precisely what I thought when I was deciding what French treat she would prefer. 

I set out to make two versions, one for the birthday girl and one for the adults.

As my Chef in Paris would say, Donk Voilà (I'm still yet to understand the donk part?!).

Profiteroles with Vanilla Crème Patisserie
Front: Dark Chocolate & Toffee
Back: White Chocolate & Sugar Flowers

Turns out two year olds don't really like profiteroles...

Poor little profiterole

P Part 2 - Pizza

Signorelli Gastronomia certainly earns its name, it is a world of food heaven with everything from a Cheese Room, Wine Cellar, Antipasto Bar and Gourmet Foods. The best purchase from previous experience is the Veal Jus in the freezer, I promise it will make any dinner party a winner!

The theatre at Signorelli starts when you are greeted by a glass enclosed kitchen and continues when you are seated with a view of the Chef attending to the stone fired pizza oven as his skills are broadcast on two screens so the diners can see exactly how its done.

The authentically Italian waiter left us expecting a pizza a Napoli native would be proud of which, to our relief, on arrival didn't let us down!

Before we move on I have to make a confession, I don't consider myself a 'true' Italian... Why? I do enjoy a piece of tinned pineapple on my pizza. I know it's tragic but I blame growing up in a time when the only pizza you could get delivered was Pizza Hut, the pan variety, and lets be honest it needed pineapple to provide something resembling flavour.

Back to Signorelli, where there is no Golden Circle tins in sight, the Margherita was the best I have tasted in Sydney for a while. The Fior di Latte mozzarella was bubbly and melted perfectly over the delicate tomato base. The base is perfectly crispy and we're left wanting another one!

The perfect mozzarella strings of the Margherita

The Signorelli Masterpiece also didn't disappoint with its selection of cured Italian meats and rocket.

The Signorelli Masterpiece, even the burnt bits were tasty!

The Riccotta squirted on the top of the Prosciutto Pizza was perhaps the only downfall, the cold cheese cooled the pizza down quickly, made it a little soggy and detracted from the Provolone.

Prosciutto, Fresh Tomatoes, Wild Rocket, Provolone & Ricotta
All in all the Pizza was great and I'll will definitely be back to try out the gnocchi and see if it lives up to Nonnie's!

Mangia Mangia

Friday 27 May 2011


Thanks to the 5 people who I've paid to read this!

I hope that I can keep you entertained and more importantly share with you an insight into a life where Food is your blood type. I've tried to shake it off but it just keeps coming back stronger than before.

We block our blessings because we don't feel worthy, this is the beginning of something new and exciting.

Mangia Mangia